This evening was a huge, life changing event in your life. An event that I never dreamed I'd miss, however I did not attend primarily out of respect for your special night. I will say on here, though, how proud I am of you. I started this journey with you and could not have been prouder that we would share the title of fellow alum. Watching the live stream of the 2017 Commencement exercises brought back where I sat exactly 10 years ago. I remember the mix of excitement, shock and awe, and disbelief that I had made it. My ex-husband texted me after I marched across the stage that "this is quite an accomplishment and you should be so proud." You, my children, and other friends sat in the audience, sharing the same pride.
I remember the nerves I had walking onto the campus on my first day. I had not been in school for 20 years. As a student who was old enough to be the mom of many of my classmates, not to mention the same age as some of my professors, I didn't feel I would ever fit in, much less pass enough classes to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The many late night hours of studying, of stressing, of earning more gray hairs than I care to count. The phone calls to and from my support team and fellow students as we journeyed through those university years. I remember the conversations with you, other friends, and my children about what I would do after graduation and whether or not I would march in the commencement exercises. All of you talked me into that decision....and I'm glad I listened.
Today, as I watch your class graduate, I think about your years at the place that was my home. I think about the anxiety you had, stepping onto the same campus as I did. A "returning adult student." We shared that experience, that anxiety, those crazy nerves. The late night hours of studying, writing papers, doing the dreaded group projects, meeting with professors to discuss your education and your future. While I am saddened I didn't have the opportunity to stand beside you through your years as you did for and with me, your progress never left my thoughts, my prayers, and my pride in you.
I remember the conversations we had throughout most of our adult lives about whether or not either of us needed to return to school. Now look. You have earned that Bachelor of Arts degree, graduated with honors, and marched across that stage with that smile of achievement on your face. As I watched you do that, I was no longer remembering my own journey towards graduation. My heart beamed at this accomplishment for you. For this person who has been such a huge part of my life, who continues to mean the world to me. To see your name, with the "summa cum laude" underneath and with your name listed under multiple honor societies. Not only did you earn your BA, you did it with style. That's your way and has always been. I want you to know how much I still love you and how proud I am of you. You DID IT!! Now we watch to see where you go on this journey. And.....for the record.... YOU are a scholar..... One who worked very hard to get to where you are....
Welcome to the Lute Alumni family!!
all contents (c) 2017 Laura Inglis