As we begin to approach this holiday season, I find it no surprise that the holidays begin with gratitude. I have so many other things that also deserve my thanks. If you don't mind, I'd like to list some of them.
- I am grateful to have children whom I love more than life itself. My son has arrived into adulthood, not without aches and pains, but he is moving forward and making a life of his own with a young lady who we have all learned to enjoy having in our family. My daughter is approaching adulthood and moving so much quicker than I ever imagined. She is struggling to figure out her career goals and what she wants out of life. So much fun to be able to witness.
- I am grateful that my parents had a safe trip across the country this summer, with no more than a nervous few moments when Dad was hospitalized with pneumonia. My parents are not perfect, but they, like the rest of us, do what they can with what they have.
- I have brothers with whom I have shared much of my life. We all are not super close, as we live in three different states with our various families. I am grateful that we all still pretty much like one another. Two of them have married women who I am proud to call my sister-in-laws. I am grateful that one of my brothers and his family live only a few hours away. My family has been blessed by several nieces and a nephew who I sure wish I could have closer relationships with. I love it when I get to see them, however I can only pray that they know how much I love each and every one of them.
- I am grateful for my very best friend. She stands beside me through thick and thin. I never have to wonder if she will be there. If I am having a tough day, she's there. She celebrates with me. She fights for me. She has helped me raise my children. I am blessed with her friendship more than I can ever express. She has stood by me this past year, and even before. Her family has adopted my children and I into their family, making it so nice to have local "family members."
- I am grateful for my adopted sister. She returned to school this year. I am grateful that she received the necessary funding to begin this scholarly journey. I hope I will be able to be there to witness her travel this path and see where God takes her. We have been so close for so many years. I can not imagine life without her as part of it.
- I am grateful for the myriad of friends God has placed in my life. Some I can only see on occasion and others I get to see and communicate with more regularly. They all hold such a special place in my heart. You see, I don't love my friends lightly. I thank God for them and can usually be found trying to stay in touch, trying to arrange a gathering, or feeling sad if we have to go too long without touching base.
- I am thankful for technology such as the internet and text messages that can keep family members and friends in communication even if we are all over the country. It makes not living nearby more tolerable than it would if we were completely out of touch.
- I am thankful for my job and my career that has been cemented more and more, the longer I get to do it. I have the privilege of working with some wonderful people that I will miss tremendously when it is time for me to move on.
- I am thankful for my church family. I have grown to love them and feel they are indeed family. It is amazing to have leaders who I can trust and respect. The longer I am part of our church family, the more I cherish them.
- I am grateful for an ex-husband and father to my children who has chosen to be supportive to our children and to me. While we were not a successful married couple, we do pretty well at working together as we are there for our children and one another.
- I am thankful for medical technology and medical providers who take care of their patients, for researchers who come up with surgeries such as the HIPEC surgery to give people like me a chance to live longer, and have a productive life at that.
Thank you dear readers for taking the time to read my thoughts this Thanksgiving. I hope you take the time to be grateful and appreciate the good in your life.