Friday, June 7, 2024

Life of Transition

It's been quite a while since I've been on here. Like the rest of the world, my life has been full of change, uncertainty, and transition. I randomly opened up this account this morning and read the last couple of posts and realized how much I used writing to express myself in this journey. This platform was a way that I navigated the OneWord 365 Word of the Year from 2012 until 2021, journeying through cancer diagnosis and treatment, relationship struggles, getting to know myself, and much more. 

I realized that the final word of the year that I had received was "favor." I was interested in how that word would play out during the year after disease, politics, and so much violence blasted our world (to put it all mildly). "How will 'favor' impact this year?" I thought. Just over a week after posting my blog about that word, my world rocked when my dad unexpectedly and suddenly passed away on the other side of the country. While he had been dealing with health issues, he was my daddy. I was his only daughter and I loved him, sought his approval, and while my logic brain knew God would take him home at some point, I was not ready. My dad's death sure did not feel like a good start to "favor."

Before 2021, our lives had begun a journey of change in 2017 when we put our home on the market as God instructed us. It was time to move on with plans He had for us and life has consistently remained in transition. We signed a six-month lease on a condo, uncertain where we would permanently land. This six months turned into three and a half years, during which I released my cherished office suite for my business, turning my therapy work into online video sessions; my roomies and I were called from the church we had made home for 17 years; the mental health trainings I had excitedly been trained for and held many classes fizzled out; my best friend's career as a teacher transitioned in various ways as well, and my daughter began seeking her path as a Bible College student. One of the massive changes came when, on our way home from a family gathering in July 2019, we felt a calling from God to move from Western WA. Lots of interpretations, prayers and discussions followed as we attempted to figure out what God was telling us to do and where to go as we waited and prayed. 

After my dad's death in 2021, my household spent a month in Northern Idaho to just get away and explore a place we'd never see before. Due to the world going pretty well fully online, we were able to still work while we were away from home. While there, we all were amazed at the area and felt very at home there, planning on returning again at some point. While there, my roomies and I did a Bible study on the prophet Elijah in 1Kings. There was so much that spoke to us during that month and in that study, though we were not fully aware of how much it would soon speak to each of us.

Later in 2021, within six or so months of my dad's passing, God instructed us to give notice to our landlady that we were to end our lease in 40 days. We confirmed this calling through many prayers of each of us and others, receiving affirmation in Scripture passages. God gave us no knowledge of where we were to go, though we were obedient and gave notice, packed up the condo, and waited. Little did we know of the nomadic life we were now going to be traveling once we left the condo. Ultimately, we found our belongings in storage units - that were very few and far between during this time period and God provided - and we moved into a hotel room for a month. Our last weekend there, each of the three of us separately heard God direct us to return to Northern Idaho, which we did.

As I write this, it is now June 2024. We remained in various hotels/short-term suites in Northern Idaho and Washington from September 2021-January 2023, until God allowed us to rent a beautiful home in Idaho. What experiences we have had since beginning this journey. SO much building of our faith, learning to lean fully on God for ALL things, and living in the moment. We're nearing the end of our lease, though are unaware of our next step. We feel God has "planted" us in this area, in a local church family that we've grown to love, registered and able to vote, and becoming comfortable with the area. I think what started me feeling I wanted to give an update was when I read my most recent post in August 2021, when God was trying to help me learn to focus on today, on Him. Wow that really rings true, even these years later. The word that year was "Favor." WOW! As we travel this journey in God's calling. As we stumble and try to run ahead. How much favor God blesses us with. My world rocked. My world changed. I never felt I would live the life I now live, where I live. God reminded me this morning to keep my eyes on Him. He told me that clearly when we uprooted nearly three years ago and is reminding me now that those instructions have not changed. 

I went a bit further back to check in on the words I focused on since beginning this word of the year path. The words have been - Acceptance - 2012; Rest - 2013; Return - 2014; Journey - 2015; Restore - 2016; Steadfast - 2017; 2018 was pulling all of these together; Serenity - 2019; Middle - 2020; Favor - 2021. Since I know that God never wastes a step, even when I make the mistakes in trying to help, I'm super curious as to how He will use these lessons on my path and tie them together. Hmmm...


all contents (c) 2024 Laura Inglis